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Why did Ben lose so much fat?

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I’ve recently added a few testimonials to the site about the nutrition courses I run and shared some of the before and after photos. So many of the clients that have completed it have lost huge amounts and have continued to do so. Mark has been applying all he learned for a year now and has lost over 35kg. The crazy thing is that after speaking to him this week he’s now rebuilt his calorie intake to over 2600kcal a day and hes still not gaining weight. Imagine that, eating 2600kcal and maintaining/losing weight!

Mark the Viking

I’ve included Ben in the title of this blog because he’s one of the first photos on the testimonials and people keep asking me what his secret is? How did he lose so much? How did he make such a big change? Well I thought I would answer your questions and probably give away one of the biggest trade secrets around. I hope you’re ready…

He ate fewer calories and he trained.

Oh bugger off James, that tells us nothing! I hear you, but it’s true. The sad fact is that everyone looks for some miracle fix. Some magic pill or shake or great fat burning exercise. What a load of tosh! There’s nothing out there guys. Stop avoiding the hard truth that you let yourself go. It took years to do the damage and it will take months to undo it. That’s not too bad of a price to pay in reality. A few months of work to undo years of misbehaving.

Ben (Now known as little Ben)

Now I don’t want to sell you a false dream in that everyone can achieve 35kg of loss and everyone can transform their look. Not everyone achieves as much as each other in the same time frame and so many variables affect that outcome. In both the cases of Mark and Ben its important to point out that these guys really do train. They don’t exercise. You’ll hear me differentiate between those two words a lot but in my mind, training is directed, progressive and has a specific outcome. Exercise on the other hand is a bit of fun. If i went to the gym and put together a random bunch of exercises to work my chest and hamstrings, I’d count that as exercise. It’s not planned and it’s not to achieve anything in particular other than to keep me ticking over. If however I went to the gym to complete session three of my four session plan while lifting the specifically set weights based on my previous performance in the session, that’s training. I’ve gone to specifically improve on a set program which is designed to give me results I desire.

When it comes to Ben and Mark, they have been with me over a year. They bench over 100kg. Ben squats over 170kg. They both deadlift over 150kg. A few sets at these kind of weights is worth more than most newcomers’ whole workout when it comes to responses from the body. Now before you ask well whats the point? I’m never going to get that strong. Says who? Every single one of my clients has told me they cant and never will get to the weights I say they will get to. Every single one gets there in the end. The only person who doesn’t believe you can do it is you! We all have to start somewhere, you’ve just got to stop running away from the issue.

So the real secret, the actual real winning advice when it comes to making some real changes to your life? Well its cheesy but just believe in yourself pal! Stay consistent and give it a go. The person that never tries never achieves. At the end of the day I’ve based my whole career around getting people to achieve things they never thought they could. You can be one of those people, you just have to give yourself a fair chance.

There will be a lot of you out there thinking that with the new year coming you will have a fresh and revitalized approach to your health. Use it. Get yourself a trainer and commit to make changes. As much as I hope that if you chose to go it alone that you will succeed, I know that its a hard journey on your own. Find someone that believes in you and even better, someone that makes you believe in yourself and get them employed!

I’m ending this post here before its flooded with even more cheesy lines but hopefully you can see that hard work pays off and you just have to commit. Actually no! Sensible work pays off. If you do things properly its really not that hard and in all honesty its almost fun. Keep an eye out for the next post guys. Stay healthy.

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